Kidsave expresses its disappointment that the House Ways & Means Committee's latest markup of Title IV-B does not include any support for mentorship. We strongly believe that mentorship should be a central component of Title IV-B, as it has consistently proven to be effective in improving the lives of young people in foster care.

Through our Weekend Miracles programs, we have seen firsthand the significant benefits that having a supportive adult can bring to foster youth. In the face of the ongoing mental health crisis among youth, the exclusion of mentorship from Title IV-B is a missed opportunity to enhance the bill’s potential to positively impact the lives of children in foster care.

We urge policymakers to reconsider the role of mentorship in addressing the mental health needs of foster youth. Mentorship has the power to provide the support and stability that these children need to thrive.

Kidsave remains committed to advocating for the inclusion of effective and proven support systems for foster youth and will continue to work towards ensuring that every child has the opportunity to succeed.