Kidsave commends the Senate Finance Committee’s diligent, two-year investigation into the disturbing instances of neglect and abuse at some of the nation’s largest residential treatment facilities, documented in their investigation Warehouses of Abuse: How Taxpayers Are Funding Systemic Abuse in Youth Residential Treatment Facilities.”

We extend our gratitude to Senate Finance Chair Ron Wyden and Ranking Member Mike Crapo for holding last Tuesday’s hearing to highlight their investigation findings into the abusive conditions in for-profit residential treatment facilities.

Children in foster care need mental health support that helps them heal and thrive. The Senate investigation makes clear the inhumane child abuse and traumatic environments children experienced in some of the nation’s largest residential treatment facilities across the U.S.

Ahead of the hearing, survivors and families who lost loved ones in residential facilities bravely shared their stories during a press conference. Among them, a family member whose sister was killed in a residential treatment facility spoke about the pivotal role of community-based support like mentoring. Kidsave agrees mentoring is a crucial support for all young people, especially for young people in foster care, who lack the same support as their peers who are not in the system.

We at Kidsave stand behind the Senate Finance Committee’s steadfast commitment to investigating and addressing instances of abuse and neglect within these facilities and strongly support the Committee’s efforts to continue the pursuit of justice for vulnerable youth.

We’re happy to answer any questions and help you get started. Email us at to learn more. Kidsave’s Weekend Miracles program is available to Los Angeles, CA, or Houston, TX residents.

Kidsave’s 25th Anniversary 

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