Mike – Age 15

Mike, age 15, has found a forever family!

Mike is a lively and engaging 15-year-old with a wide range of interests. He loves playing basketball, watching action movies, and playing board games with friends. Mike’s passion for technology is inspiring—he dreams of becoming an engineer someday!

Artistic, innovative, and creative, Mike always thinks outside the box and comes up with innovative ideas. His athleticism, intellectual curiosity, and creativity make him special.

His host family says, “Mike loves to watch cartoons and Marvel movies. He likes playing with dominoes and he dreams of becoming an architect when he grows up! Given the right opportunity, Mike has a bright future ahead of him.”

Mike needs a forever family to support his dreams and provide the love and stability he’s missing in his life. Please contact us if you’re interested in meeting Mike!

Book a call  www.kidsave.org/book-summer/

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