Marley – Age 12

Marley, age 12, has found a forever family!

Marley, age 12, needs a forever family—a family full of love and patience, just like in her dreams.

She loves simple moments, like kicking back with a game of parchisi. Writing poetry is her creative outlet, where she lets her feelings and imagination run wild. Reading’s another passion—it’s like diving into new worlds!

School’s where Marley shines. She’s all about soaking up new knowledge and putting her thoughts into words. And when it’s snack time, nothing beats a good ol’ hot dog to put a grin on her face!

Her host family says, “Marley is an extremely intelligent and curious girl. She’s a very animated, funny, and high energy kid. We are enjoying playing with her, drawing, and singing karaoke. We feel fortunate to be hosting her.”

People often say Marley’s outgoing, confident, and super smart. Her zest for life and bubbly personality make her a joy to be around. She’s just needs that loving, patient family to share all her adventures and dreams with. Please contact us if you’re interested in meeting Marley!

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