Julian – Age 12

Julian, 12, has found a forever family.

Julian is a bright and energetic 12-year-old with a heart full of hope, who needs a forever family. Julian is a spirited boy with a zest for life and a curious mind, always eager to learn and explore new things.

In his free time, Julian loves to jump rope. He also has a knack for building and creating with Legos, which allows him to express his creativity and problem-solving skills. Completing word search puzzles is another favorite pastime of Julian's, reflecting his keen eye for detail and his love for challenges. His interest in technology and electronics further showcases his inquisitive nature and his desire to understand the world around him.

His host family says, “Julian loves and wants to be loved. He’s a great dancer and enjoys music. He loves to laugh. Julian is super creative and has fun building anything, from Legos to sandcastles. He’s incredibly smart, learning how to play chess only two weeks ago at camp, and he recently almost beat my father in a match!”

When it comes to food, Julian has a few favorites that bring him joy. He enjoys the comforting taste of lentils, the rich flavors of cheese, and the hearty satisfaction of mondongo, a traditional dish that reminds him of his cultural roots. Julian's ideal family would be one that nurtures his interests, encourages his passions, and provides a stable, loving environment where he can thrive and grow. Please contact us to learn more about meeting him!

Book a call http://www.kidsave.org/book-summer/

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