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Foster Youth Bill of Rights and Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Training

The Foster Youth Bill of Rights (FYBoR) was created due to the advocacy of youth in care, and its purpose is to protect children and youth in foster care, youth on probation and in out-of-home placement, and children living in any licensed or certified children’s facility or home in California. Participants will learn about the role, functions, limitations and the laws that govern the California Office of the Foster Care Ombudsperson (OFCO); learn about the OFCO Complaint Process; learn about the California Foster Youth Bill of Rights; and learn about how to identity potential foster youth rights violations and uphold the rights.

Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard (RPPS) was created to empower caregivers to make parenting decisions that support youth health, safety, and best interest while encouraging their positive developmental growth. Participants will learn about RPPS decision making and how it can promote normalcy of youth in care. Participants will be empowered to make parenting decisions that uphold the rights and promote the positive development and well-being of youth in care. With this training, participants will be able to improve their advocacy skills/tools.


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