Photo Credit: Peter Christiansen Valli

When you think of clowns, your mind probably jumps to balloon animals and maybe the circus. Kidsave’s recent Meet the Kids event flipped that script in the most delightful way.

Picture this: a sound bath led by clowns.

Yes, you read that right—The Sound Healing Clowns brought a unique and heartwarming twist to a small gathering of older kids in foster care and the adults who have been building bonds with them at previous Kidsave events.

The afternoon kicked off with lunch and a classic favorite—pizza. There’s nothing like sharing a meal to break the ice and get everyone chatting. The air filled with laughter and conversation as the kids and adults enjoyed a meal together, setting the perfect tone for the whimsical afternoon ahead.

The entertainment began with a magic show performed by a clown whose tricks left everyone wide-eyed with wonder. But this was just the beginning. The area transformed into a playful stage where clowns showcased their diverse talents. One clown strummed soothing melodies on a ukulele while another demonstrated some basic martial arts moves, adding a touch of excitement to the calm. An elegant ballerina clown struck graceful poses, and a mermaid clown “swam” (walked) around, sparking imagination and adding to the enchantment.

Then came the main event—the sound bath. Everyone gathered in a cozy room, ready to be guided into relaxation by the founder of The Sound Healing Clowns, Marisa Petroro. The atmosphere was serene, as soothing chimes and gentle music filled the space. Clowns moved about the room, creating the soft sound of sifting sand, adding layers of tranquility to the experience.

The sound bath was a rejuvenating journey, and unique experience.  Marisa said: “With grateful hearts, healing sounds, and a touch of silliness, we were honored to share our quirky world with these incredible kids; while our clowning may have seemed unconventional to some, beneath the surface lies a purpose – to life the weight of life’s challenges. When we learn to embrace the positivity in every moment, no matter how absurd, this becomes the key to unlocking new realms of growth and understanding.”

The gentle sounds and guided meditation created a shared moment of peace, strengthening the bonds between the kids and the adults who are becoming significant figures in their lives.

This special event was more than just an afternoon of fun—it was a testament to the power of creative healing and the importance of community. The Sound Healing Clowns brought joy and serenity, leaving many attendees with full hearts and a sense of togetherness. As the afternoon wrapped up, it was clear that this unique blend of sound therapy and playful clowning had created unforgettable memories.

About Weekend Miracles

Many wonderful kids in our Weekend Miracles program need a mentor, host, or adoptive family. These older kids in foster care are growing up without the stability and love that all kids need to thrive. If you want to adopt or host an older child, please contact us.
We’re happy to answer any questions and help you get started. Email us at to learn more. Kidsave’s Weekend Miracles program is available to Los Angeles, CA, or Houston, TX residents.