As Kidsave celebrates its 25th anniversary, we are speaking with Kidsave alumni—many who have families of their own now—retired staff, friends, dedicated volunteers, and families formed through Kidsave across the years as we celebrate 25 years of love and family.

Could the universe bring together a couple who didn’t know they wanted to adopt, with a child yearning to be adopted?

By Susanna Curtis

Stuart and Sydney already had thousands of children. Both teachers, they’d had many kids pass through their classrooms for years, and so didn’t feel the need to start a family of their own. “We were childless by choice,” Sydney explains.

But, moved to tears watching the A&E documentary “The Day I Picked My Parents,” they learned about Kidsave. Although they initially dismissed getting overly involved, a Kidsave event won over their hearts and put them on a journey that would create a forever family when it was least expected.

When Stuart expressed his desire to meet some of the Kidsave children, Sydney couldn’t help but laugh. “We live in a two-bedroom townhome and our second bedroom was my art studio,” she said. Despite the initial humor, she was open to the experience.

The couple attended the Los Angeles “Hike with Your Heart” event in September 2022, entering with a mutual understanding: they would only consider mentoring teenagers aged 17 and up. These were the kids they chose to hike with. “We were thinking, oh, those are the kids who are less likely to be adopted, and we can make a positive impact, even just as hosts in the Weekend Miracles program,” said Stuart.

During lunch, they spotted Luna, 11 years old, at a table eating alone. Ever the teacher, Sydney went over and introduced herself. “I felt this instant cosmic connection to Luna…,” she said. “It was as though a butterfly landed on our shoulders and shattered our world, changing our whole paradigm.”

Stuart, immediately charmed by Luna when she asked what their interests were, looked at his wife across the table. When Luna left to kick a ball around, he asked Sydney, “Are we bringing an 11-year-old home with us today?” He said it as a joke, but “I felt an immense sense of relief because I knew the moment I met her that she was my daughter,” Sydney said. Though she had loved many of the students she’d taught, she’d never before felt a connection like this.

“We went to fill out the post-event survey, and we were both 100% on the same page, like, this child’s our family member. And we wrote down, interested in hosting, adopting, whatever,” explains Sydney.

They returned home that day and applied to be a resource family. Conversations with another resource family reassured them, breaking down the barriers they had previously set for themselves. “It made us realize, ‘Oh, she’s obviously our daughter, and we have to do this,” Stuart said. Sydney added, “What can you do?”

The couple continued to attend Kidsave’s monthly events, building a relationship with Luna each time. At a Thanksgiving event, event, it became clear that Luna was growing interested in becoming part of their family. One of the fun activities was drawing a turkey by tracing one’s hand and writing something you’re grateful for on each “feather.”  Having drawn her turkey, Luna eagerly approached Sydney and Stuart and asked, “How do you spell your names?” She then wrote their names on her turkey, a heartfelt gesture that meant the world to the couple.

Following that touching moment, they happily volunteered to drive Luna to Kidsave’s annual December party. They had just completed their resource training and were excited to spend more time with Luna. While trying to coordinate carpooling, they suddenly lost contact with her. It’s common for kids in foster care to be uprooted from their temporary homes without warning.

But Stuart and Sydney couldn’t bear the thought of losing contact with the daughter of their dreams. They spent the weekend sending emails and reaching out to multiple people connected to Luna, determined to keep her in their lives. Their persistence paid off when they received a life-changing call from her social worker, who asked, “Are you serious about her?” Their answer was an unequivocal yes.

And then, they heard these magic words: “Can she move in today at 5 pm?” Of course the answer was again yes, but more importantly, what did Luna think?  Stuart and Sydney wanted her to have the power to choose, something Kidsave values. So, they had the social worker ask her if she wanted to move in with them.

Her answer? “Totally.”

That winter break, Stuart, Sydney, and Luna had an unforgettable time together, filled with holiday celebrations and magical moments. They took her on her first plane ride, whisking her away to meet their extended family and experience the wonder of snow for the first time. The adventure didn’t stop there; they also made dreams come true with a trip to  Disneyland!

On January 8, 2024, just over 15 months after meeting Luna, she said that she would like Stuart and Sydney to adopt her formally. They became an adoptive match right after her 13th birthday and made it official in court, followed by a friends and family celebration full of joy, love, and happy tears.

As for home life, both of her parents could go on and on about their daughter Luna. “She’s hilarious,” Sydney brags. “She’s very quick-witted…her comedic timing is something to behold.” She’s also competitive on the soccer field, where Stuart coaches her teams, just like him. She’s friends with everyone, they say, and everyone loves her.

When they joined the Kidsave Hike with Your Heart in 2022, Stuart and Sydney had no intention of growing their family. So it’s a good thing they were flexible.   “Anyone considering getting involved with a program like Kidsave must have an open heart and mind,” says Sydney. “Things for us worked out exactly, given previously existing circumstances, as they should have for our family. We have no regrets because we’re so happy how everything has turned out.”

About Weekend Miracles

Many wonderful kids in our Weekend Miracles program need a mentor, host, or adoptive family. These older kids in foster care are growing up without the stability and love that all kids need to thrive. If you want to adopt or host an older child, please contact us.

We’re happy to answer any questions and help you get started. Email us at to learn more. Kidsave’s Weekend Miracles program is available to Los Angeles, CA, or Houston, TX residents.

Kidsave’s 25th Anniversary 

Join us as we celebrate our 25th anniversary! Are you a Kidsave family who wants to share your story? Learn how here.